What is the Playlist Metadata Standard?
The Playlist Metadata Standard
The Playlist Metadata Standard is an attempt at creating a simple metadata format "standard" that:
a) allows the NFT Music Player Template to load the multi-track release's data for display/playback from a standard JSON file uploaded to a publicly accessible file server/host (like IPFS or ARWEAVE),
b) allows 3rd party web3 players/platforms to easily pull the same information into their native players and/or playlist tools, and
c) anyone can understand.
Using The Playlist Metadata Standard
We've created a Playlist Metadata JSON File Template that anyone can download and use to create a JSON file specific to their multi-track music release(s). Please see the Step By Step Instructions for info on how to use the personalized JSON file.
Please note the Playlist Metadata JSON File Template and links to it contained in these docs may be updated from time to time with new version(s) of the NFT Music Player Template. To ensure you are always using the most current version, please download it fresh for your new releases.
The Playlist Metadata JSON files needs to contain the following basic metadata which is used to a) power the NFT Music Player and b) display/play the contents of the NFT in 3rd party player/platform's native player(s)/playlist(s):
= must be "1"
= URL to the release's cover art on a publicly accessible server/host
= title of the release
= artist (or project/label/"various"/etc if a compilation) for the release
= chain the release is minted on (i.e. Ethereum)
= Token ID of the NFT the release is embedded in
= type of token (i.e. ERC-721, ERC-1155, or any other token type)
= defaults to false, if set to true the WS logo in the bottom left will be hidden
= this is a list of the individual tracks as JSON objects, each object comprised of:
= must be "audio"
= track/song title
= track/song's artist (can be different from the release's artist)
= URL of the track/song's audio file (MP3 or WAV)
Last updated